MAP Growth | See their needs. Close the gaps. Help them grow.
Discover how your MAP student data can support and enhance the IB assessment practices used in the classroom.
MAIS has partnered with the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA™) to support the use of Measures of Academic Progress (MAP®) in member schools. NWEA is a not-for-profit educational services organization working with over 600 international schools in 146 countries.
Available in Kindergarten through Grade 12, MAP is a computer-adaptive interim assessment in Reading, Math, Language Usage, and Science. Teachers use MAP data to inform classroom instruction, and schools use aggregate results to plan school improvement, to meet accreditation requirements, and to compare school performance against norms and regional averages.
MAP training is provided at the MAIS annual conferences to support member schools. Discussions focus on the use of MAP reports to guide data-driven instruction and student achievement. Participants investigate the role that formative assessment can play to improve student learning, examining how MAP data can be used to facilitate differentiated instruction. Participants also gain practical experience and hands-on training, enhancing their use of MAP to meet the needs of students, teachers, school leaders, and key stakeholders.