Every child deserves a safe childhood.
ICMEC shares a number of vetted conversation starter videos and resources are at EdPortal.ICMEC.org Curriculum Family Resources. You will find curriculum scope and sequence and lesson resources here also.
For over 20 years, ICMEC has been a leader in identifying gaps in the global community’s ability to protect children from abduction, sexual abuse, and exploitation, and expertly assembling the people, resources, and tools needed to fill those gaps. We foster cooperation across borders to build networks that allow for information-sharing and better practices.
The messages schools send to parents resonate. As we take a step back to reflect on 2020, the most challenging year ever for educators, children and parents, we offer some important resources to share with parents for conversations with children over the school break.
Why now?
During the pandemic sexting behavior increased as a way for isolated students to connect with each other or get validation or attention.
Self-harm and suicide are outcomes of non-consentual sharing of sexual images and of trauma. These numbers are rising globally.
Parents should know what to do if a child discloses that they have shared a sexual image. Information sheet here.
See trends, research, and news in CP News.
Time for conversations
A number of new tools have been launched to support parent conversations with children around safety and harm.
Research indicates schools and parents await too long before conveying critical information to children about adult content online or healthy touch. Most children have already viewed adult sexual content online by the age of 11.
Good tips for schools to share include:
'talking up' rather than down to the child (framing it as a way for the adult to learn about a child's experiences)
planning for several smaller conversations rather than conveying information at one time.
use materials depicting children a little older than your child rather than younger or the same age.
A number of vetted conversation starter videos and resources are at EdPortal.ICMEC.org / Curriculum / Family Resources. You will find curriculum scope and sequence and lesson resources here also.
During this holiday time you might also provide this more lighthearted conversation between children and parents about social media, consent and 'Sharenting'
Specifically for younger children
Build and Talk Lego - A program to support conversations while building about online safety, and abuse prevention. Learn more about the program here.
Healthy touch conversation guide here.
WHO Parenting Infographics (in 70+ languages)
Hot Chocolate Talk (Committee for Children)
Specifically for 11 and up
Expert on how to speak to children about sexting
Child abuse content on Pornhub results in calls for conversations with children
What to do if your child has discloses sexting or abuse